Kamis, 17 November 2011

Komodo Island the Beauty of Indonesia

Komodo Islands is the islands that located in West Nusa Tenggara, the eastern part of Indonesia. Komodo Island is well known as the original habitat of komodo dragon. This island is managed by goverment as The Komodo National Park. In this area, these komodo dragons can live very well. There are 2793 komodos live there up to now. Besides komodo dragon this island also has many exotic floras, one of them is Sappan woods.Sappan wood is a kind of wild plant which used by the local people as medicine and also as natural dye for clothes, whereas its bean can be eaten and the taste is really delicious.

Beside Komodo Islands, you may visiting some other beautifull places near by the Komodo Islands, such as :

1. Surainadi
    Surainadi is located 17 km from Mataram. There are many hotels with very good facilities such as warm water pool, tennis field and the oldest Hindu's Temple.

2. Lingsar
   There is a pool with many sacred fishes in Lingsar. Lingsar is about 9 km from Mataram.

3. Narmada
    There are Lombok's botanical garden with swimming pool and Hindu's temple. Narmada is located 12 km from Mataram

4. Batu Bolong
    There are Hindu's temple above reef and we can see the peak of Agung Mountain in Bali

5. Sire Beach
    There are beautifull and exotic sea park with many fishes and corals. Sire beach is located 36 km from Mataram

Komodo Island is one of indonesia's treasures because of its uniqueness.

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